The aim of the association is to help alleviate the economic and social gap of the most disadvantaged communities by providing support for basic social and health services, primary education with particular reference to women and children, and income generating activities.
With this purpose in mind we raise funds both with the sale of artisanal productions prepared by members, and thanks to donations from individuals and other associations that share our statutory aims.
The funds raised are entirely dedicated to the management of interventions in Uganda, as documented in the annual accounts (reporting and activity report) published on the site.
The association collaborates with civil society and local authorities by implementing strategies for the promotion of self-managed structures.
Organizzazione di volontariato I GERMOGLI - Contrada Paranzello 1, 92031 Isola di Linosa AG
C.F. 93064280840
tel. 0922.972506 - mail